At The Defence Group, we practise criminal law. As with medicine, the law is complex, with many different areas and specialties. By concentrating on one discipline, we are able to provide our clients with the most up-to-date information and advice, in the most cost-efficient manner. We will not draft your will, sue your employer or close the sale of your home; but if you are in any way involved in a criminal case or police investigation, The Defence Group can help you. We will handle all criminal cases, from the most complex homicide to the simplest theft. If you are a victim of domestic violence, we have the skill and experience to help you with all of your concerns. If you are a witness and have questions or need advice, we stand ready to help. If your corporation is under investigation for a regulatory infraction, we will work with you to resolve the matter discreetly. If your home or business has been raided by the police, we have years of experience in dealing with search warrants, warrantless seizures, and wiretaps.
About our team
The Defence Group consists of a criminal defence lawyer, Arun S. Maini, who is a sole practitioner. At The Defence Group, you will have the best criminal defence team to represent you in court and win your case. You defence team will be assembled by our criminal defence lawyer Arun S. Maini, after a free consultation with you, and a thorough review and analysis of your criminal case.
In addition to your criminal lawyer, some of the professionals on your criminal defence team may include the following
- A forensic toxicologist: in drinking and driving cases, such as an Over 80, Impaired Driving or DUI, the science behind the charge is important. These are technical cases, and at The Defence Group, Mr. Maini will often retain the services of a forensic toxicologist. Our toxicologist will review and critique the scientific analysis performed by the Crown’s technicians; requisition and review the logs and maintenance records of the Intoxilyzer breath sample apparatus; perform tests of the client’s alcohol absorption rates; and provide reliable alternative theories consistent with innocence. The toxicologist wll be available at every stage of the case, and can provide expert testimony in court.
- A clinical psychiatrist: in certain cases, especially where violence is alleged, such as domestic assault cases or sexual assault cases, it may be important to demonstrate that the client is not dangerous or mentally unstable. In some cases, it will be necessary to have a clinical expert explain the impact of an earlier diagnosis; to provide a risk assessment; conduct testing; offer counselling or other forms of intervention; and provide expert testimony in court. Often, the report of a psychiatrist can be the winning factor that persuades the Crown or the judge to accept the position put forward by your criminal defence lawyer in negotiations or at trial.
- A private investigator: in cases where credibility is important, such as sexual offences or domestic assault, the outcome will often depend on tiny but critical details. Is a witness lying or shading the truth? Is a complainant motivated to fabricate? Are portions of a statement misleading or incomplete? Private investigators are often former police officers who have decades of experience detecting and solving crimes, and who are now available to assist your defence team in locating and interviewing witnesses; reviewing and analyzing statements and police interrogations; and performing a range of other services, such as retrieving evidence, photographing crime scenes, and conducting surveillance.
Mr. Maini will also work with former court staff, police officers and paralegals to provide you with the best criminal defence team to advise, defend, and represent you in court.
At The Defence Group, your team is assembled with one purpose in mind: to win your case, and to do so in the most cost-effective and timely manner possible.
Contact us now for more information, or to schedule a free consultation.
About Arun S. Maini, Criminal Defence Lawyer
Arun S. Maini, Barrister and Solicitor
Arun S. Maini has practised criminal law since 1995. He graduated from the University of Toronto and Dalhousie University Law School. After completing his articles at a Bay St. law firm, Mr. Maini joined the federal Department of Justice as a prosecutor of drug trafficking, tax evasion and immigration fraud cases in Toronto, Vancouver, and Brampton. In 1999, Mr. Maini transferred to the provincial Crown Attorney’s Office in Brampton, where he prosecuted all manner of criminal offences, from theft to murder. In 2003, Mr. Maini left the government to establish The Defence Group. Mr. Maini handles all criminal and regulatory offences. He has prosecuted and defended hundreds of cases, and has extensive jury trial experience. Mr. Maini has taught advocacy and criminal law at The Advocates’ Society, the Law Society and at Osgoode Hall Law School. See Arun’s mentions in the CBC, the Toronto Star and the National Post.